Controlling the agenda in session
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Once you’re ready to start your agenda in the session, just click on Start or Select agenda to get things rolling.

There are two ways to move through your agenda:

  • Manual advance: If you’ve set your agenda to manually advance, that means you control when to move to the next block. Use the arrow buttons to move to next or previous block!
  • Auto-advance: If you have set your agenda to auto-advance, it will automatically move to the next block when the time of the current block is up. This works great for when you need to stay on time!

One of the most powerful things you can do in Butter is preload your tools in the agenda so it's easier to launch! To launch a tool, just hover it and click the Start button. The tool will now open up directly in the session. You can even open up multiple tools at the same time to make the session more dynamic - ex. music player or timer, together with a flashcard or Miro board.

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